Booking info

If you would like to rent our club station during your stay on Svalbard you are welcome. Please contact us at to make a booking request.

You can use your own callsign or the club call (JW5E). In case you use our callsign, it is compulsory to send a copy of your log to our QSL manager (in ADIF format) to be incorporated in our master log. If you have a CEPT licence there is no problem, you just add JW/ as a prefix. Please bring a copy of your licence.

Payment must be made in advance and when we can confirm recipient of such you will be provided with further information and a key for the station.

Rental price is NOK 1000,- or 100 EURO per day.

When you rent the station you get:

  • Access to the station hut with relax room and kitchenette.
  • Access to the antennas.
  • Antenna switch with two outlets.
  • Tree desks with PC monitors (HDMI).
  • Good internet connection, wifi and wired.
  • One guest radio (if it works). Some visitors do not treat equipment the way it should be treated, so we cannot guarantee it works at all times.

Look at “Station info” for more on the hut and antennas.

The weather can be hard on the antennas up here. We cannot guarantee that all antennas are in perfect order.

We used to rent out the station with radios and amps, but too often we had equipment sent away for months for repair. With the resulted in disappointment from club members and visitors. Therefore we do not rent out our main radios and amplifiers.

We recommend to bring your own radios and amplifiers.

Payment details

Pay to:

SARK – Svalbard Amatør Radio Klubb

Veg 401-15, N-9171 Longyearbyen

Norwegian bank account: 47504120380 

IBAN: NO6847504120380



It is important to know that the club station does not provide any accommodations for visitors and you must make your own arrangements. Information about places to stay and things to do on Svalbard can be found on: Visit Svalbard.